Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal:

Laser hair reduction works by targeting the hair follicle through the melanin in the hair which absorbs the laser energy and transfers it down to the hair follicles rendering them ineffective. The sessions are repeated once in 4 to 6 weeks and 10 to 12 such sessions are required. The procedure is safe and time tested. On an average 40-45% reduction in hair growth is scene after 3 sittings and up to 85-90% after 4-5 sittings. Perfect Image offers attractive packages for laser hair removal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

How does laser hair reduction work ?

Laser hair reduction works by targeting the hair follicle through the melanin in the hair. Melanin is the pigment responsible for the colour of our hair and skin. Melanin absorbs laser energy, and transfers it down to the hair follicles, rendering them ineffective, thus stopping future hair growth.

Is Laser Hair reduction safe? Are there any side-effects?

Laser hair reduction is completely safe and time-tested procedure (it has been used extensively the world over, for over a decade now). Optimal results are guaranteed if the correct technique and appropriate technology for the Indian skin-type are used. It has no side effects- the only effect being, permanent hair reduction.

How long does a session last?

The time taken for a session depends on the body part being addressed. For example, the upper lip may take 15-25 minutes and the legs may take up to three hours. On an average, 40-45% reduction in hair growth is seen after 3 sittings. And up to 85-90% after 4-5 sittings.

How many sessions does one require?

Typically, 4-5 sessions, with a 3-6 week gap between each session, are necessary (for the later sessions, if any, the gap may increase to 6-8 weeks, as hair growth slows down).

Why do I need multiple sessions?

At any given time, up to 30% of the hair is in the active phase. The remaining dormant hair, takes between 3 weeks to 3 months to become active. Therefore, in order to enjoy permanent results, one must undertake a series of sessions after a 3-6 week interval, depending on your hair growth pattern.

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